Monday, August 11, 2008

MARTIN REYES Beyond the Arc

For their 2nd game in the 2nd round of eliminations, UP lost the game against DLSU; the game ended with 61-81 in favor of the Archers. Well, I didn’t expect too much from the Maroons, we don’t have to elaborate on the teams’ differences. But as the 1st half ended last Sunday with 30-34, only a four point lead for DLSU, I had hope that the game will end with only a five point lead at the most, if UP will not win. But as most of the viewers have predicted, the game wrapped up with 20 points lead.

But even if UP lost, I had observed that they played a very good one. I want to acknowledge Martin Reyes’ performance; he really did a great, great job. He has given 21 points on that game (surpassing the 19 points given by Maierhoffer, the highest scorer for DLSU). Martin’s 21 points: composed of FIVE 3pt shots and three 2pt shots. He deserves recognition for that effort. I almost lost my voice and wounded my throat, screaming and cheering for every 3pt shots that Martin did. Even if they didn’t win, the shots that Martin did on that UP-DLSU Round 2 game, at least, left an impact that UP will never say die. His contribution on that game is exceptional. Other teams should never underestimate the Fighting Maroons, because they will keep on fighting no matter what.

Since UP lost, news and write-ups about the game is just focused on the efforts given by DLSU. As a UAAP basketball viewer (and a UP alumni), I just really want to give credits to the hard work that players like Martin Reyes deserves. He really deserves an appreciation!

To all the UP Fighting Maroons, keep on believing on yourselves, you can make a difference! Just keep on fighting… UP FIGHT!

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